
Mar 29 2013

lucky me

I have been looking for a new website for quite a while as I have become bored witht he one I have and I stumbled acorss this one which is so easy to use. This iwll only be a quick blog whilst I try and actually build this site. Please bare with me if there are any hiccups over the next week or so as I am just one person and do not seem to have enough hours in the day to fit in work, family, social life as well as building a new website. I will however try my very best to sort out an problems that may arise. I am however female so am not made for technical work and am made more for pleasurable times. I sure enjoy them more than this side of the job anyway. websites and self promoting are a neccessary bane of an escorts life though and take a good few hours everyday, well it does if you want to get it right and ensure clients can actually find you So this is a hello from my new site and a welcome to my new blog easter kisses to you all